A new school year, holiday breaks, and summer breaks can make it hard for some autistic children to adjust. Especially if they have to face sudden changes in their classroom decor or location.
Inspire Learning Academy wants your little one to be as comfortable as possible. So we’re going to share some tips that can help you get your autistic child ready for School in Longwood, Florida. Take a look:
- Acquaint them with the new environment
If you have time before classes start, you can ask the teachers at your child’s Learning Academy in Florida about having a short tour of their classroom so they can start to get the feel of their new environment.
- Start practicing school routines early
Inform your child that they will be starting school soon and that you will be practicing some of the new routines that they will be doing once the semester starts.
You can start with waking up at the proper time in the day, eating out of a lunch box, wearing school shoes, putting on and taking off the uniform, and raising their hand to ask questions.
- Make tweaks to your routine if needed
There is no such thing as a perfect routine off the bat. If the one you are trying to follow isn’t working out well for your little one, don’t hesitate to make a few changes that will be easy or comfortable for them to follow daily.
We hope these tips were useful and that they will help your child adjust to Exceptional Student Education with more ease.
If you have questions about school programs for special needs children or are looking for Small Class Sizes for your child, give us a call at 321-972-2590 to get in touch.